• Poems

    A Day at the Zoo

    For Brenda When I was lee and little My teen sister illustrated (and wrote dainty lines) a book for me Each image swept with Movement and bulgy A lady enjoying a day at the zoo. First and foremost I remember her solitudinal pleasure on a day at the zoo Second was the knobby knees Her knobby-kneed thick legs I will never forget And her hair bounced giddily in Golden curls just like my sister’s Then a marmalade picnic and Page after page of animals Christened in soft colored pencils My favorite was the elephant delighting in the gift of peanuts On that day I knew the elephant Was my spirit…

  • Poems

    Oskar Werner

    A Poem for Oskar Werner Austrian sun-catcher, wise jewel of film,What is it to walk as well as Hamlet?To immerse in the complex waters ofJules, and regale us so intimately? We are only a stone’s throw from your ship,Caressed in the salty mist. Crossing sides.Are you the wiser for it, and does itTake a toll? Or extol the heart’s confides? -Jeni

  • Poems


    i must admit that i love renewals:crisp sheets of virgin white paper waitingto come to life with formations of blackcurves, lines, dots, and blots of ink-filled inklings -Jeni