June Home Tours
Yesterday my friends and I had a lovely day of touring homes and we got both a lot of sun and a lot of steps ☀️
First we toured the neighborhood where my friends live, Tulsa’s historic Lortondale mid-century modern homes. Here are some highlights:

Also, one house in the neighborhood had a beautiful wildflower yard! 😍

Next, we toured the Adah Robinson home, designed by artist and teacher Adah Robinson with the aid of her student Bruce Goff as well as assistance from Joseph Koberling. The Art Deco house features leaded glass windows, hollow tile, stucco, and terrazzo floors. The unique layout welcomes visitors with a stunning two-story living area with a huge open space, tall windows, and a beautiful light fixture. Adah Robinson was also a concept designer for Tulsa’s famous building, the Boston Avenue Methodist Church.